Title: Unforgettable Incident (Hyuga Minato's POV)
BF: Hyuga Minato
Original Story Card:
Translator: Me, 水野はな of Boyfriend (Kari)
Just in time for Encore while Twinkle Step is an event song~
I wanted Minato's 4☆ but it's impossible with my non-existent crystals! TAT
I wanted Minato's 4☆ but it's impossible with my non-existent crystals! TAT
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I am a fan of Minato Hiyuga after I have been able to release the SR Card's story "Ore no soba ni itekure", an episode that Hiyuga is not well, a fever because he did not sleep right.
ReplyDeleteHe is very direct! He is a wonderful boy! I really like this character too!